Wednesday, 28 June 2017

A blog

Hi bloggers!

I hope that you will be fine depite all you have to do. Well, today I want to tell you about my experience writing a blog.

At first, I thought that writing a blog was a bit strange, because I had never had a blog. So, this experience totally new to me. But to pass the time, I began to understand how the dynamics of making a blog. Well, I didn't like this so much. because I don't like to tell about me and the things that I think or like. However, if I emjoy writing in english and reading the blogs of my classmates in English. 

The post that I enjoy doing it was "free post" and "a journey", because I liked to write and think about these things. The posts about the Game of thrones and Bali are my favorites.
The blogs that I liked to visit were: blog's Silvana, blog's Goye, blog's Ingrid, blog's Hector, blog's Catalina, blog's Cami Vega, because the things that they wrote was entertaining for me, apart almost always had all their blogs. 

Well, my English improved in vocabulary, writing and reading. Now I feel that it is easier reading in English. It is less difficult writing in English too. Finally, I think that the blog is a good language learning tool, because it helps improve the way you communicate with others in a different language. 

So, that is all for day!!!
I hope that you enjoyed this blog<3

Regards to all

Monday, 26 June 2017


Hi bloggers!

I hope that you will be fine. Today I will talk about my favorite series. This is Game of Thrones. 
I kwew GOT three year ago. When my father watched the first season and he felt he should show to me and my brother. Then in 2014 was when we became fans of the series. 

Game of Thrones is a american televesion series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for tv network HBO. This series is based on the novels "Songs of ice and fire" of the writer George R. R. Martín. The name of the series is Game of thrones because it is the name of the first book of the Martín's novel. 

GOT is a series of medieval fantasy, drama and adventures. The plot is about the struggle of noble houses for the power and control of the kingdoms of the west. To reach this goal every noble houses fights through wars, create alliances, create armies, etc., which generates that struggle for power is what moves the series. However, it is shown that power isn't the important, but the struggle with an outside entity that can only be defeated if all are united. 

The series have six season and this year will be debut the seventh. GOT has been cataloged as one of the best series of the last time, one of the awarded and also one of the most expensive series in production.

 For me is the best series. I invite you to watch, You won't regret. 

I hope that you enjoy with this post! 
Regards everyone

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The Job

Hi bloggers!

Today I will talk about a job that I would like to do.
My first experience working was a few years old. I worked at a pharmacy as a reseller for one month. I didn´t like this job. Because I felt vey tired. I was also two hours from my house. But I must admit that I knew how was work. My second job baby sister. Take care of my cousin, who was two years old, for two months. This experience really put my patience to the test. But I learnt how to be a mother. Also, I worked caring at home.
However, my favorite job is none of those I previously named. I want to be a farmer. Since I was a child my dream has been to live in the countryside. And I work the land. Well, I like the job because I feel that being in the field and working in the land I will find tranquility, peace and happiness. So, for this I would like to work as a farmer.

The qualities that I need to be a good farmer are: to know about the everythign the land (minerals, propierties, evolution, the climate, etc), to have a good physical condition, to have energy, lots of love and patience to learn. I think that I don't know if I would be a good farmer. But I will put all of me to make my dream come true and get it right. So, I have the energy and the desire to do this. And I think that this is essencial to realize what you want. Also, I'm studying a career that help me with the land.

Well, for me all the persons who are farmers are my inspiration. Because, they show me that I can live and be happy with this job.

I hope that you enjoy this post!
Regards to all<33
Have a good week

Monday, 12 June 2017


Hi bloggers!

I hope that you are fine. Today I going to talk about art. This word is so big. But, I talk of the piece of art: music.
The music is my favorite art. I think that it is the cure for many situations. So, I want to tell you about my favorite artist, who do music. Your name is Nano Stern. He is a chilean musician and his music brings me calm and peace. The album that I love is called "Voy y vuelvo".  
Well, I knew Nano Stern six years ago in a student demostration. He was playing songs with social criticism. He had a special voice and from than moment I liked. However, that day didn´t know his name because the police just came to finish the show. Then up to one year after that demostration, I knew his name and his album. Since then, it has been may favorite piece of art. 

For me, this artist and his music is the best. I don't say that is the best for others, because all the melodies or lyrics make us feel different. But for me is the best because the song are beautiful and make me feel in calm, in peace, in armony with my space. So, when I listen this music is like to find with me.

Well, I hope that you like post! And, here I introduce you to Nano Stern<3
Regards XOXOXO