Wednesday, 31 May 2017

A web-site

Hi bloggers!

I hope that you are well:) Today, I will tell you about a website that I like.
I like the website "Facebook". But this isn't my favorite.  

Well, Facebook is for me (and for many people) a means communicating medias with others persons. Also there are many other means of communication, in this last time it has become in one of the most used and most important. Apart, it has also served to find people whom we had lost contact.
Nowadays, I use for Facebook just for fun. So, I only visit sometimes, when I'm boring or I have a little time. Because, I think that this website has become in a double-edged blade.
In this website, you can find everything, absolutely everything. For example, you can find friends, family, videos, memes pages, foods pages, and more. Also, you can post photos, videos, thoughts and links.  
Personally, I like Facebook, because it has allowed my family to meet again with friends and relatives who had stopped seeing and know about them, decades ago. So, this website is a good alternative for to find someone and to enjoy watching video, photos, images or other things.

Finally, I recommend too be very careful with what you share and the people who are in your Facebook. Because many people can use your information for bad practices. Althought, this care must always be taken, independent of the website.

That's all for day guys!
Good vibes for everyone this week!
Ps: my favorite website is Youtube<333

Wednesday, 24 May 2017


Hi bloggers!

Today I will tell you about my dream. Since I know the existence of this place is that I want to visit. This place is Bali.
Bali is an island. It is located in the Indian Ocean, between Southeast Asia and Oceania.
My dream really is to go to Bali. I would like to go because I think that this place is magic. Apart from that say the comments I read there. Also, I would like to go to know the culture of the place and their people. In adittion, of the wonderful landscapes of nature. 

Well, I would like to visit this place with my family - my mother and my brother. Because I think that this would be the dream holidays. However, I would also like to travel with friends or a special person for me. 
The first thing that I would like to do is to retire. And then when it is sunset or sunrise I want to sit and look at the whole place and it's orange colours. 
In the others days, I would like to walk and know as much as possible on the island. Share with people and live their culture. And what I most want to do is meditate somewhere on the island.
The only bad thing about this place is a little expensive it is to go. Costs about ten million chilean pesos.

Well guys! I hope that you enjoy this post.
Regards<3 XOXOXOXO

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Emirates Stadium

Hi bloggers!!

Well, today I tell you about where I would like to visit in London.
I would like to know the Emirates Stadium. Because it is the Arsenal's stadium FC. And well, in that team plays Alexis Sanchéz, my favorite player<3.
This stadium is located in north London in the neighborhood of Ashburton Grove. So, to be able to go there, I would have to travel by plane during nineteen hours and fourteen minutes from Santiago to Londres. Then, from London to the north by A401 and Liverpool Rd/B515 in thirty minutes would reach the stadium. Obviously, that to travel the idea is to do it, when there is a match of the local Arsenal.
Other than, the trip would last about a week, so I could visit other places too. But, my goal would be to go to an Arsenal game in their stadium.
So, the cost of the trip would be approximately one half million chilean pesos. Because, only the trip would cost about one hundred thousand pesos, the lodging around the five hundred thousand too. In adittion, transportation costs, food, entrance to the stadium and others.

Here, some images of the stadium and Alexis Sanchéz *-*

 Well, this was the post today.
Regards to all!
I hope that you can enjoy it <3

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Panda Bear

Hi bloggers!

Today I tell you about an exposition that I did.
In this presentation I talked of the pandas. I chose this topic because the pandas are one of my favorite animals. Apart, I wanted to know more about them.

For that I firstly put the word "panda" in the search- google- and I read everything the information in spanish that it appear of them. Then I began to write all I everything that I seemed important to me to tell. So, when I was satisfied I read all. And I realized that it was a lot, so I start to filter information that it wasn't so important. After, I wrote it all over again and I translated it to the English. Finally, I practiced the speech and I did the power point.

I must admit that it was difficult to put information in the presentation. Because to me everything was important. So, I practiced how long time it took to say everything I wanted. In this way, I began to filter the information. And I decided just to put the most general about the pandas. Until I did about four minutes to speak.

When I was doing the presentation, I was very nervous. But I could control it and I felt very happy when I finish the presentation. I felt that I had done it well. So, I can say that this experience I was able to enjoy :)))

Well, that would be for today!
 Regards to all<3
